We need to seriously rethink our way of building. The circular hotspot C-Bèta takes initiative to bring people together for collaborative innovation. Entrepreneurs, governments, investors, researchers and consultants and whomever is next. Showing new initiatives of pioneers in the field, a destination to share knowledge and educate face to face. In the rural area of Schiphol this location has major ambitions, atmosphere and potential growth. Circular hotspot is an incubator spot for a bigger area development called Circular Valley. The initial development plan for Circular Valley of 20.000 m2 was made by William McDonough and Schiphol Area Development Company (SADC), to create the first business hub in the world fully focused on circular entrepreneurship.
Sharing, inventing and creating new solutions for the circular economy.
The circular hotspot C-Bèta takes initiative to bring people together for collaborative innovation.
Pay per use and leasing facades
The purpose of this place is to incubate the circular economy. With that phylosophy in mind we pushed the limits on suppliers and contractors to think along with us creating new ways of building. The full new entrance facade is leased by from the supplier. Meaning a contract for 10 years with full maintenance contract. Many other convenient and also more unkown solutions where implemented: all walls made out of ecoboard materials, recycled toilet tiling, floor carpets out of fishing nets, leased lighting fixtures, infrared heating panels, green walls for air purifying, leased furniture crafted on circular principles, paint that absorbs around 250kg of CO2 per m2, recycled plastics and many more solutions.
“ A place where anyone can see with their own eyes what circular economy means in practice. ”